Monday, November 14, 2011

Skyrim, you A-hole!

I curse the night I waited outside the local Gamestop to pick up a copy of Skyrim.


Productivity is now all shot to hell, although I'm trying to get "some" stuff down, although "some" is kind of the operative term.

I'm currently (uh oh, here comes the quotation marks) "hard at work" with edits for Wake the Demon, as well as the YA novella, Finding the Snow Prince, as well as working on the second book of the Centennial City series. I've also got an erotic fairy-tale theme short waiting in the wings and feel like tearing my hair out. Did I mention my NANO project, yet? I haven't even gotten past 10k for that, although I'm kind of hopeful I'll be able to catch up by next week, what with Thanksgiving weekend and all.

*o* <--- My hopeful eyes.'s a list of what needs to get accomplished before 2012 rolls around:

1. Finish second round edits for WAKE THE DEMON
3. Plot and finish 10-15k erotic fairy-tale short
4. Plot and finish second book of Centennial City, tentatively titled FROST BITE

...and suddenly, I'm starting to think there aren't nearly enough months left...